Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 07-05-2012, 05:52 AM
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gregzz4 gregzz4 is offline
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gregzz4 will become famous soon enough

If you've been following along, you'll know I have been haphazardly battling hair algae
I've been told it will eventually go away, but I don't see how, when it feeds on PO4 and releases it back to the water colum whenever I mess with it

I did a couple stupid things ...
1 - I let it grow
2 - I tried to scrub it off the rocks, which probably only spread it throughout the whole tank
I stupidly thought I could filter it with socks and keep it under control

Well, that didn't work
I should have just started trimming it, and siphoning it, once it became an issue
Now I'm using it to set the flow for my powerheads
I'll say it has been useful to the point where I am happy with the overall flow in my tank ....

I've tried picking it off the rocks and siphoning to a point, but I can't keep up

So, to my chagrin, I bought some critters today
6 Mexi Turbos, 2 Long Spine Urchins and a Sea Hare

Don't fret the poor dudes I just added ...
Once their jobs are done, I will pass them on to other reefers

We'll see how the LFS staff recommendations work out
If it doesn't, I won't mention them
If it does work out, I'll praise them

Pics later once they are zoomin' 'round
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