Thread: FS: coral
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Old 07-04-2012, 10:49 PM
fishay fishay is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: New Westminster, BC
Posts: 37
fishay is on a distinguished road
Default FS: coral

Downsizing soon so I have to sell off some livestock...

Nuclear green star polyps (GSP) $10-$20 depending on size (2-4" across).

Green monti cap $10 per frag or $40 for colony

Red/pink monti cap $10 per frag or $40 for colony

purple monti cap $10 per frag or $30 for colony

Pink sinularia $30 for colony

Green sinularia (closed in pic but when open its about same size/shape as pink sinularia) $30 for colony

Galaxy coral (~2") $20

Large frogspawn colony with at least 60 heads $100

Pink and green favia $15
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