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Old 07-04-2012, 04:18 PM
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Originally Posted by RuGlu6 View Post
Looks good depending on the price and air output of the pumps.
The only thing i see is that they need to add rubber pads/feet for the skimmer body as well as rubber lining under pumps to make it silent.
Like the idea of water output at the lowest point where there is least amount of bubbles.
Surprisingly enough, this skimmer is one of the quietest devices in my sump. There is a slight hum during start up, but then becomes pretty much silent. A single MP40 is louder than this skimmer and a lot quieter than my return pump.

There is a nice amount of foam forming and it's pulling out some skimmate (surprising for running under 12 hours). This unit is quite easy to adjust. I set the water level, then tuned the intakes to create a nice gradual increase in bubble size as it moves up the skimmer body.

Here is a quick pic of it's progress after the first day.

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