Thread: ParaGuard
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Old 07-03-2012, 02:08 PM
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Originally Posted by sully08 View Post
Do you treat every day for 21 days with the paragaurd. Do you think you could use paragaurd in a reef system.
From the Seachem website:

Q: Is ParaGuard™ safe for use in marine reef tanks with invertebrates and soft corals?

A: We do not sell or market ParaGuard as invert safe because it would be impossible to test it with every available invert under every potential water parameter. We have had people use it with invertabrates with no problems, but we have also had people encounter problems. If you decide to use it we stress caution; dose at 1/4 to 1/2 dose and observe how your inverts and soft corals react. If they seem to tolerate the dosing, increase slowly up to no more than the prescribed dose as long as they are tolerating it. If you need to get rid of the ParaGuard™ quickly, just turn your skimmer back on.
And yes, Paraguard needs to be dosed daily for 21 (or more) days.
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