Thread: ParaGuard
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Old 07-02-2012, 02:19 PM
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
What are you treating for Shelley ?
The Paraguard is for the suspected Brook. While I think Ich-X may be a better treatment for it, Ich-X requires big daily water changes and our camping schedule doesn't allow for that right now.

Of the three clowns I've purchased (all from the same source) I've lost two of them to "Brook-like" symptoms within three days. I bought a pair, lost one, then replaced the one that died, and lost that one. The little guy I still have probably has it. Another Clown will be added once I get everyone all fixed up.

The Chromis could potentially be affected by brook as well. It is unlikely that the Goby would get it, but I want to keep the display fishless for now. I don't have anywhere else to put him.

I've already run through a week of PraziPro, as i thought the Chromis had roundworms. I think I was wrong on that one. The PraziPro seems to have fixed them up, but now I think they had flukes and not roundworms. The had some funny spots where they had lost their luster, and those are now gone. The white stringy stool now appears to be gone, too.

I'll do a second round of PraziPro after the Paraguard, just to be on the safe side.
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