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Old 07-02-2012, 06:18 AM
justincgdick justincgdick is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 44
justincgdick is on a distinguished road

The drain on the left is under water, running at full syphon. It's completely silent. What's the point of the tees in the Beananimal and what does it do to make the system more quiet than mine?

The second drain is open, yes, but in the pic the system is balanced and no water is even going down it. Normally it would have a trickle, but it just so happened to balance that way. The only thing the beananimal does different is turn the opening down and use an airline to flush the overflow if the water level gets too high during a plugged main drain. The water plugs the airline and causes the drain to flush. If my main drain plugs the water level rises and flows down the second drain as a durso. If the water rises too high it flushes too as it transitions to a full syphon.

So is the only real differences are that mine will make noise from the slight trickle in the second pipe and mine is noisy IF the main drain is clogged and the secondary is acting as an open standpipe drain? I suppose the Beananimal would be silent when that is happening, but I can't see how that's a good thing. You could have a clogged main drain and not notice while mine would be loud as heck as it sucks air.

Last edited by justincgdick; 07-02-2012 at 06:21 AM.
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