yes, turn down the air, the bubbles will drop, do small adjustments and let it stabalize a few minutes, drop the bubbles to the bottom of collection cup and let it run awhile.
some foods will cause the bubbles to drop drastically and it can take a while for them to get back up, an hour or so, also if you put your hands in the water it will kill the bubbles (it affects the surface tension of the water) so you don't want to make adjs right after feeding or having hands in water, let the skimmer run and monitor it, the bubbles should rise after a while, a head of foam should start to form, tweak it so the foam is just below the top of the cup, the bubbles should be breaking half way thru the cup and the foam head should be floating on the bubbles.
Crap happens, that's why they sell toilet paper in 48 roll packs!