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Old 06-30-2012, 12:03 AM
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lastlight lastlight is offline
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lastlight has a spectacular aura aboutlastlight has a spectacular aura aboutlastlight has a spectacular aura about


Rock on top: whole rock for $30
- superman digi frag... also full encrusted all over the top
- unknown green coral
- piece of german blue digi
- skin flap of pink prostrata

- green base purple polyp monti lower left - $20
- green cap with purple rim - $20
- massive bird's nest in back of tank - $20
- green frag stick thing in fron of bird's nest - $10

dez's salty nuts acro. is quite big - $40

- purple tip sps... has STN possibly tho - $10
- in front is a blue tip coral of some sort - $10

green palys - $10

green pagoda cup - $20
red encrusting monti - $10
lower left pipe organ (might come with rock) - $20

- upper left is pretty washed out. purple growth tips - $10
- orange milli has blue growth tips - $20
- in front is a. pappilare with nice blue tips - $20

- purple gorg (a single branch has a damaged part but very healthy) - $50
- purple valida that needs more light. gets very purple - $10
- unknown green coral lower down - free with purchase of valida
- next to gorg is encrusting purple monti. frag size amazing purple - $10

- unknown. liekly needs more light was on ground - $10
- on right is abratenoides - never colored up free with purchase of coral above

- massive blue digi - $50
- large green with orange tip formosa - welded to digi... would have to do best to break off - $40

The salty nuts is on the reverse of this rock. but whole rock with salty nuts and these two for $100

- also large orange digi on bottom with green cap grown into it. $40

- unknown corals but really starting to take off. blue in both - $20 each or $30 for pair

ricordia - $10

terrible pic from angle but it's a nciely colored pocci about 3" across - $10
My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
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