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Old 06-26-2012, 02:26 PM
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Default Looking for LED layout opinions

I've just received my heatsink and LED's in the mail and I'm looking for opinions on layout. I know this is a bit overkill for my 20 gal cube but I'm testing out for my full reef 80 at the same time. I have these LED's now, so while debates amongst my choices are welcome, there's not a lot I can do about it now I'm really looking for placement opinions on my heatsink.

RB = 3W Cree XT-E Royal Blue 455nm
TV = 3W Exotic True Violet 395nm-430nm
3UP = 3 LED star, 3W per LED, 1 Cree XP-G Neutral White, 2 Cree XT-E Royal blue
OCW = Exotic Ocean Coral White

thanks for the input.
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