Time for the leak test. Pumped in all my stored RO/DI. There were buckets and pumps everywhere on my deck

Ran 3/4" line through living room window and let er Buck. Filled in less than an hour.
Bulkhead leaked a bit , so had to drain it down a foot and siliconed it up. There was a couple little chips from the drill bit.
Still want to add a check valve to the return line as a backup for the anti siphon holes inside the tank. Of course everywhere I order one from has me on a waiting list. And they are definately not found in Yellowknife.
also had to test modded overflow. I changed the drain from 1 1/2" to 1" by reducing both sides of the bulkhead. I wanted to see if this would allow me to open the main herbie drain gate valve a bit more. Didn't seem to make much difference so I returned ther top portion of main drain pipe back to 1 1/2" and seemed to allow me to open the gate valve a bit more. Looks like only other option is to try a bigger pump, but for now I can live with the flow.