Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 06-26-2012, 04:05 AM
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Today's readings are looking good
I didn't expect to see any drastic drops in params with such a small amount of coral, but I'm going to stay on top of it anyway

All but 1 coral have lots of PE
I've been in contact with the seller and am hoping to get an answer as to where this particular coral was most happy in his tank

SG 1.025
Temp 78.9 - 79.3
pH 8.12 @ 5am ( still dark, but ambient morning light )
pH 8.21 @ 11pm ( lights out, moons on 11% )
Mag 1400 - 1450
KH 8.5
Ca 410-420
NO3 trace
PO4 not measureable

I'd like to see my Mag drop a bit, but am happy enough with the Alk and Ca for now
I haven't started dripping Kalk yet as I haven't found a vessel I like, so I have been dosing Alk as needed ( in small doses ), but haven't had to add any yet since the addition of the new corals
Hopefully this week I'll find a nice container of some kind for the Kalk dripping

I bought some live phyto today for the corals and I'll start with feeding 2-3 times/week, although tonight may tell me how much they want
I don't want to feed daily yet as the small corals are still acclimating, and the current algae is semi-under control

With all the LR I've added to the sump, the drain section is staying amazingly clean, but we'll see what happens once I start feeding fish in the DT

The QT dudes are doing well
Today was 2 weeks for the Clown and PJs, with this coming Friday being 2 weeks for the Bangaii
Everyone is eating well, although not all the same food - fussy little kids
I'm looking @ about July 27th before I will add them to the DT, barring any visible signs of infection
This'll put them @ 6 weeks in the QT and then I can start looking for a Tang to munch all the algae that's keeping me busy

Lastly, I defrosted the office beer fridge today
I don't know why I didn't store the frozen food in it until now, after all these years of keeping it in the kitchen fridge
The office beer fridge freezer section is large enough to hold all 17 flats of food I have stock-piled
Plus, besides beer, pop and extra jarred people food, there's plenty of shelving for the new phyto, and somewhere to hold the defrosted dish of food for the QT dudes

I guess that's enough for today
Thanks for following along

Last edited by gregzz4; 06-26-2012 at 04:10 AM.
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