Thread: Tap water?
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Old 06-24-2012, 10:31 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Megalodon View Post
Kind of depends on what's in everyone's tap water, doesn't it? A number of years ago I nearly killed my tank with copper because of the pipes in my building. The low TDS here in Vancouver (8 ppm) scavenged it like crazy. I'm happy you get away with it but it's generally not good advice to give people without first knowing what's coming out of their tap.

So?? A lot of people just had crashes from Kent carbon...does that mean that saying using carbon is bad advise??

Using tapwater isnt bad advice ..... if you've never ran a copper test then I would think your at your own fault....fact of the matter is anything you add could potnlentially be bad...there is no wrong advise if you don't personally know what's in can you give advise besides saying be cautious??
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