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Old 06-23-2012, 06:40 PM
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Default Clownfish Breathing Rapidly, HELP!

When I woke up this morning my ocellaris clowns were breathing very rapidly. (I just bought them off someone else last night). The smaller one looked dead, he was laying sideways on the sand and breathing very rapidly.

I thought it might be a lack of O2 because of ammonia or nitrates, or it could of been an off SG. So I just did a 40% waterchange and added in prime for the ammonia and nitrates.

The SG is at 1.025 now.

Their breathing rate did decrease a little bit and now both of them are swimming better, but the breathing rate is still higher than it should be.

Will they recover from whatever happened?

And they don't have any white cotton from their sides, so I don't think its brooklynella.

Here's a Pic of Them Now:


Last edited by Pinnochio5; 06-23-2012 at 06:52 PM.
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