06-22-2012, 09:08 PM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 338
Perhaps a real update is in order..
A couple things have happened since my last update.
As I stated before, I am now dosing the big three as water changes are kind of a pain out here in the extreme TDS country.
My tank survived the 3.5 gallon calcium overdose which caused my calcium levels to skyrocket to around 800ppm with little problem to be honest. I had no precipitate so it didn't look like Christmas in the reef, thank goodness! I only did one 30% water change which brought the levels down to around 650 ppm and then just let the corals suck up the rest. As of yesterday my parameters were:
Temp: 79-80 F
pH: 7.90
Calcium: 540 ppm
Alkalinity: 8 DkH
Magnesium: 1300 ppm
PO4: 0.02 ppm
Nitrates: ~2ppm
I attribute the fact that the high calcium levels did not precipitate because my Alkalinity was kept in check.
I have added a MaxiJet 1200 to the bottom corner of my tank just to add a little extra boost of flow to the system until I purchase my second MP40es. Seems as if the corals have responded well to this as they polyp extension has increased.
Unfortunately, with good news comes bad. My Copperband Butterfly had gone missing and for a few days it was a complete mystery as to where he went. Until I put in the maxijet powerhead and started adjusting flows when a chunk of what was left of him floated out from the rocks I still have no idea what happened... he ate so much that I couldn't understand what the fuss was about getting these fish to eat! Still a mystery to me..
After some studying and talking to Steve at Red Coral I decided to start dosing Prodibio supplements, BioDigest and BioPtim. My first dose of this was Wednesday so I don't expect to see results until after the 2nd dose.
I will take some pictures and post them asap. 