FS or FT: Fish and LR (Airdrie)
Hi, I have to shut my tank down. So I'm selling my fish and live rock. I need them gone by Tuesday the 26th of June.
I live in Airdrie (about 20 mins north of Calgary)
Here's what I have for sale/trade:
1x Sailfin Tang - $35 OBO
1x Yellow Tang -$10 OBO
1x Sailfin/Algae Blenny (Lawnmower) - $5 OBO
1x percula clownfish - $10 OBO
Live rock $3 a lb. should have 50 to 100 lbs, if some one wants it all I will weight it and give it to you at $2/lb
I will also accept trades for working or broken video game consoles, I perfer Xbox360's but will consider any.
I have attached pictures of them, sorry for the crappy phone camera shots and the glass not being clean!
Last edited by Avrbuster; 06-22-2012 at 01:52 AM.
Reason: To added Location