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Old 06-21-2012, 11:10 PM
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sphelps sphelps is offline
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Default wall coverings for fish rooms

I'm tearing down my current fish room so I can finish it. As it is now it's just bare drywall and concrete. Since I don't want to run the tank without a sump for too long I don't really have the time or patience to fully mud and tap the room to perfection and then apply some kind of paint. What I'd like to do is apply a quick tape job and then cover the drywall with something fit for the task. A thick vinyl wallpaper perhaps or some kind of plastic wall board/paneling. It will have to go on both the walls and the ceiling and needs to completely moisture resistant. Finally it can't take longer than a day to put up and finish.

Any ideas on something for the job, ideally something readily available that I can grab tomorrow.
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