Here is my list:
Lime in the Sky:
Sky blue with green base
Medium - high light, medium flow. Good grower when happy.
$15 each
Green Cap, Purple Rim, Blue Polyp Monti:
Very similar to Flower Petal, but darker.
Medium - high light, medium - high flow. Good grower when happy.
$15 each
Idaho Grape Monti:
Purple! and stays tht way.
Medium light, medium flow. Good grower when happy.
$20 each
Very Similar to this one:
Flower Petal Monti:
Beautiful Piece. One of my favorites.
Medium - high light, medium - high flow. Good grower when happy.
$20 each
Mother Colony when it was only a frag:
Chilli Pepper Monti:
Green with red polyps. Nice piece.
Medium - low light, medium - low flow. Good grower when happy.
$20 each
Actual frag:
Bird of Paridise:
Green / Yellow base with Purple polyps
low - medium light, low - medium flow. Good grower when happy.
$10 - $15 each
An old frag:
Pink / Purple Pocci:
Higher the light, the lighter the color.
medium - high light, medium flow. Good grower when happy.
$15 each
Mother Colony:
Neon Green Birdsnest:
Similar to ORA coral. Bright green polyps, great piece
low - medium light, low - medium flow. Great grower when happy.
$15 each
Mother Colony:
More, with pictures to come:
Deswalli Acro:
Big giant green polyps on green base with purple growth tips
medium - high light, medium - high flow. Great grower when happy.
Gold with Purple Tips:
Yellow / Gold body with purple growth tips
medium - high light, medium - high flow. Good grower when happy.
$15 each