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Old 06-21-2012, 04:02 PM
hfp75 hfp75 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: calgary ab
Posts: 431
hfp75 is on a distinguished road

I ordered 5 things. Three are now dead and 2 are alive. One of the two living things wasn't what I ordered.

Locally the setup was handled well and they were great to deal with. Might just be the length of the S&H. Also, FYI - when on the www site it says 5 polyps for a Zoa - they are the smallest 5 polyps in the tank.

Overall. I'm not planning to do this again - If I do, it wont be Zoas.

I only spent $50 and still have 2 small live frags left.

it is what it is.

Others seem to have had a great outcome........ I saw some of the items that came in and they looked good.
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