Hmmm, I don't know if I have any critters in my sump....I haven't banished anyone (yet...have a wrasse that will be heading in there once I catch him...), but I'm sure something has fallen in...will look around. It was weird that my overflow was full, I noticed it as my emergency was running pretty fast. I have a sock on my main drain, I pulled it off last night, even though it wasn't full and changed it out, the overflow will back up a bit when the sock is full, but that wasn't it. And there were no critters in the sock. I've adjusted the sensor myself for less volume, the magnets are pretty strong. I guess something could have knocked the sensor, but the water should still be dropping off, the level has simply not changed. As a reference point, I looked at where the water was on the outside of my carbon/gfo reactor yesterday, same as today.
I'll have to confirm the sg and see where its at. That should be a good indicator of what is happening.