Hahahaha, it's a rough life. My sympathies. At least not the WHOLE lot seems to be spawning on you and starting to grow in places you didn't expect to find them. I can just see it now: open the fridge "WHAT THE .... YOU DAMN CORALS! STAY OUT OF MY FRIDGE!" Soon they'll be following you on runs and chatting your ear off when you're trying to concentrate on a .. a .. whatever it is that runners think about when they're running. I have no idea, but I imagine it's something like "what am I going to do about all these darn corals?".
Terrible. Just terrible! Oh the humanity.
I'd offer some useful advice like "Have you tried not buying corals?" or "You should find the appropriate corals that you like best and stay with those" but .. truth be told I have no idea what the solution is. Asking on Canreef is probably the worst thing you can possibly do if you are expecting a serious answer to the question..