Thread: Kamloops move
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Old 06-18-2012, 03:45 PM
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Location: Kamloops BC
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
Doug, you snuck into town did ya...
Hi Steve. Not really snuck in. Kind of cursin at our place not being ready when we got here.

actually this year it has been the opposite, cheaper on the long weekend prices go up Monday. it was normal to be pretty stable in gas prices here I found until costco opened there gas bar. now you never know when its going up. I just top up now when ever it goes below 1.15 which seams to happen every week. filled up a day early last week and missed out on the 1.09.
I do the same at Safeway. Never paid over a $1.10 with my wifes Safeway points card yet.

anyhow welcome to gods country, except I think this June must be close to setting some records for rain fall . I start my nights at work tomorrow, but we'll have to get together for a coffee pretty soon. I'll even buy since I don't have to buy for Brad anymore .
Kool. Look forward to coffee. I still would like to go visit and buy Brad one some day... It is very nice here. The surrounding hills and scenery is something we never had in Manitoba. Although I still liked the bush/lakes in Manitoba,s north when we lived and worked there. Thats to isolated for us know though. Need better medical when ya age, unfortunately.

you getting used to the trains over there yet?

Yes and no. They are not really a bother. Except everyone now and then seems to vibrate the place. Must be the speed at which they go pass some times.
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