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Old 06-18-2012, 01:57 PM
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MMAX MMAX is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Innisfail, Alberta
Posts: 748
MMAX is on a distinguished road

Here's a few Coral Master frags I picked up Dec 2010...

Had only 1 casulty, Acropora Lovelli, here's a couple of them mounted in the tank

Acropora Formosa

Blue Acropora Humilis

Acropora Florida & Acropora Tenuis

Orange Monti

And here they are now, have been dosing alk, Ca & Mg since Jan 2012

A. Formosa, finally starting to grow

A. Humilis, needs to color up a bit

A. Florida & A. Tenuis, these 2 haven't done much

Monti, a monster. Is this a scrolling monti?

Acropora Microphthalma (Frost Polyp),doing quite well. 2nd pic shows were I first had him, starting to grow into a new coral.