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Old 06-16-2012, 06:43 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by ChefFish View Post
I have 2 eels, a 14 inch Snowflake & a 6 inch Dwarf Zebra. I am currently running 2 tanks, a 90G, with the Snowflake, & a 29G JBJ HQI Biocube with the Dwarf Zebra Eel. I am finding it to be too much trying to split my time between the 2 and want to shut down and sell the Biocube. My question is will the 2 Eels live together in the 90G in harmony? I am not willing to get rid of either. I thought maybe if I took them both out, changed around the 90 a bit and put them back in they might go there seperate ways and live peacefully? Anyone have any experience with this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

no they wont not in a 90g they may for a while but i can bet during feeding time one day they will have it out and it will be to the death.your snowflake is going to explode in growth over the next 6mths - a year and will become a bit territorial.
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