Originally Posted by Realshow
Welcome to Kamloops !
We moved here a couple years ago & love it.
what part of town did you settle in to?
Thanks. Out in Brock area. We are on Ord rd, so we close to our kids up in Batch.
Originally Posted by muck
Whats this Doug... you passed right by without at least hitting me up for a quick coffee? 
Sorry Ryan.

We went no stop from Brandon to Hinton. I will take a rain check however.
Originally Posted by mike31154
Great news about a successful move, particularly your livestock & tank stuff. Welcome to BC. You might miss Brandon a bit initially, but come this winter, you're going to wonder why you put up with those Manitoba winters for so long. I spent part of my youth in Gimli & most of my teen years plus early military years in Cold Lake, brrr. Both places had their merits, people socialized more & were also friendly but I'm quite certain I made a good decision in moving to the Okanagan. Many more of my favourite activities are close at hand here & I don't get frozen stiff enjoying the winter sports during the cool season.
We do like it here already. Except its rained since we came.

So much for the desert conditions. It seems like a nice city, easy to get around, lots of places for shopping and restaurants.
I even have my BC drivers license already.