Well I,m finally getting settled in.......somewhat. It was a long haul out here. My clowns and the few sps I brought all made it fine, along with my wife,s betta, that thinks he,s a dog or something.
Worse part was arriving and our place was not ready. Nice when you have a trailer full, tubs of fish and corals in your truck and 6 people ready to help you move. Long story but we ended up buying a different unit. Its a bit smaller but was landscaped and with a much nicer lot. And it had a small office/fishroom for me.
Slowly learning our way around here. Found a nice little pet shop yesterday to buy some frozen food for my guys. They were getting sick of flakes I think. My stuff is still in their tub and working on getting my tank ready. In between all the other unpacking stuff and building a shed so we have someplace to put stuff.
Have to say I have never met so many nice people in my life. Helpful, courteous. Even a trip to the dump was something. Never been to such a nice landfill site with so many helpful workers. Same for several of the larger stores.
I ended up going with Shaw for my internet, tv and home phone. Good package, great service and good installer.
Have to go purchase more ro water today to make more saltwater. Hopefully have my ro running soon.
We miss Brandon however. Visiting and coffee with my bud Mike.