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Old 06-15-2012, 02:48 AM
Kryos Kryos is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 45
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Originally Posted by Coasting View Post
I would assume you get to keep them, depending on the situation and what you 2 figure best. I got to keep mine. I cant see anyone sending incorrect coral back.

I ordered torch, got my backup instead - the frogspawn (which I still have), told burc I was a bit upset by this, he put a purple tip torch aside for me, sent it with this order, it of coarse didn't survive the trip, and he has already promised credit for the purple tip.
Alrght, thanks for the advice, I emailed Burc just now. Let's hope he can make things right as I was really looking forward to the purple base Acans.
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