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Old 06-14-2012, 02:10 AM
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Default Sicce Voyager HP stream pump and wave maker

New pumps and wave maker came in mail. i tried to research them but not much found. i read mixed reviews from all types of people who had vortecs to hydor.
I thought at half the price of a mp40 its worth a shot.

so from opening the box. the pumps are big. mind you i bought the Voyager 10 which is 4000g/h
these pumps are big
they are magnetically attached
have insert to control flow pattern

i hooked up to the wave maker and put on full stream which in my 6' tank blew water straight across to other side. i then put insert in to make a wide flow and still blew 3/4 across tank.
the wave maker is simple to use and can connect to any pump. it has a large variety of modes, includes night and feed modes.

so far the start stop is silent but did notice the amount of torque shook pump a bit upon take off.

hopefully its worth the dollar i spent i will update in future.
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