Thread: Moving Question
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Old 06-12-2012, 01:41 AM
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GracieLou GracieLou is offline
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Default Moving Question

At the moment I have a 10g mixed nano with SPS, LPS, softies and a pair of black ocellaris clownfish. I have to be out of my current place at the end of June but the new house I'm building is not going to be done until the end of July. Therefore the tank has to be moved twice about a month apart. The last move into my new house will be into a bigger tank. I was thinking to remove fish and corals then just leave enough water to keep the live rock in the tank submerged and move it like that. The tear down and set up can be down probably within 2 hours. Is this the best way to go about this? There's not much left in there for sand to stir up. I'm not overly worried about the LPS and softies, but can I expect major issues with the fish and SPS moving them back to back like that?
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