Your fish list looks fine. You will only be able to get away with one of the Coral Beauties or Flame Angels. Putting 2 in a 90G will cause issues. In a 90G, I wouldn't be afraid to add a Powder Brown Tang or something with some more colour... A Yellow Tang would definitely add some pop in your tank as another option. I know a 90G is a little small for Tangs, but having 1 will not be the end of the world. Add this fish last as they are a little more aggressive.
The Bengaii's are nice because they stay in the open, however, colour wise, there is very little there and they do not swim around a whole lot. Maybe look at some Pajama Cardinals?? More colour.
A Lawnmower Blenny is interesting, but again, very little colour. Another option for a fish is a Royal Gramma as well. Nice Purple and Yellow combination but they hide out a little more...
The best way to add some colour in your tank is through corals. You can find any colour and they really make your tank pop.