Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 06-09-2012, 07:41 AM
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Where am I now, sump v4.0 ? Or is it v5.0 ?

Here's what I did today ...
I hot-plumbed a swing check valve into the return .. gotta tell ya, no better way to increase your blood-pressure - no spare parts and just have at 'er
Put a heater in the DT, the Vortechs kept the flow goin' and the soon-to-be-removed sump 1262 kept the sump active enough that the Ranco never kicked on with the back-up heaters
So, I waited about an hour for the PVC stuff to air-out with some air flow and back into the system it goes

Turned out just fine, and now the return is actually quiet
No more humming through the lines, nor the wall from the sump room
I extended some lines so nothing would touch the wall anymore. Poor fishies though as the sound is still in the tank

It may mean nothing to some of you, but I'll tell ya, it means the world to me when I can make it quieter for the wife
She never complained, but I know that if it was enough to bother me, she was only being 'nice' about it

So, once that was done, I knew I had to remove the sump circuit stuff from the wall clamps ....
I ran an eheim 1000 for the chaeto and an eheim 2000 for the UV/Chiller and I'll be dammed, it's SUPER quiet

New check valve, but it's only there to stop the splashing when the pump restarts ...

Before the sump re-plumb

After the re-config

I have temporarily hooked up a Maxi 600 for the GFO ( last pic ), and it has a T
I may do this permanently for the GFO and Carbon ( I don't have the Carbon reactor running yet as I see no need to )

It's just a T near the valve that came with the TLF Reactors and it dumps back into the sump, so it doesn't matter what size of pump I use

SUPER happy with the new setup

Now I'll have to sell an Eheim 1262 that I bought brand new last month as I already have a spare
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