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Old 06-09-2012, 05:05 AM
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Wayne I really appreciate you sharing these pictures however in a different system and especially with such different light "reticulet evolution" really kicks in and makes corals very hard to ID. I will take my best crack at it but there are some that I look at and think "did he really get that from me?" because they look completely different and there were a few that you got frags of that I later lost to RTN. But anyway here goes....
Originally Posted by Rice Reef View Post
A few of my favorites (all my Snappy Corals are my favorites but I cannot take all of them at this time). Greg, hope you can ID them. I had them in a order at one time but a kid one time knocked the rack of Snappy Corals and so they all got rearranged. Wish I had done a better job in catalogging them...

A. Fastigata

Fiji Blue Polyp

CM Bonsia

Acropora Gomezi


Possibly A Exquisita but it will need to grow out more to make a positive ID. The corallite structure doesn't really appear to be settled yet so once it starts really branching we should be able to get a better idea.

I suspect it's A.Selago but if you can provide more of a top down shot the different angle would help me to ID with more confidence.


Last edited by Snappy; 06-10-2012 at 01:59 AM.