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Old 03-30-2004, 04:38 PM
JimE JimE is offline
Join Date: May 2002
Location: BC
Posts: 42
JimE is on a distinguished road

I just have a couple things to add.

Vaseline - bad idea. grease & glue don't mix.

Use a pvc primer - the purple stuff is just as good, you just have to be a little neater if you care about looks. Same applies to grey glue. Glue should be applied over the primer WHILE IT IS STILL WET - don't let the primer dry ! Remember to hold the fittings together for 1/2 a minute or so or they can push apart on you.

Use silicone on threaded connections - teflon tape by itself tends to weep over time.

Flex pvc uses the same fittings & primer, different glue

Don't get all anal about flow through tees and fittings - it is usually insignificant. Too small of piping is the real flow killer. Bumping up one size from the pump discharge size is usually a good idea.

Most of these supplies are available fron pool/spa dealers.
