Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 06-07-2012, 07:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Cugio View Post
I love the new aquascape. What type of epoxy did you use? Would you mind sharing the brand?
I used this epoxy the first time around. It's really strong stuff when cured, but I highly recommend you use it outside of your DT. If you handle it in the DT, it will cover everything with a messy residue. I could clean it from glass and such, but it stuck badly to the skimmer cup and stained the socks. It needs to cure in warm water, so it's a bit of a pain to use
Last night I used this glue. It's much nicer to work with but nowhere near as strong. Although it may seem expensive, it's actually much cheaper than the $6-7 75ml tubes of loctite

Thought I'd share some angled shots to show all the coral mounting locations and the dual swim-throughs

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