Introducing CSC Skimmers (skimz hybrid)
We are pleased to announce final specs of the new C.S.C skimmer range with provisional pricing.
Body type of range:
Cone, internal pump
CSC-150 (formally SK181)
Technical Data:
SICCE PSK1000 (110V/60Hz)
Air intake: 660 l/h
L 210 x W 210 x H 535mm
Cone base diameter (mm):180
Tank volume rating:
150 gallon
Estimated price point:
CSC-250 (formally SK201)
Technical Data:
SICCE PSK1200 (110V/60Hz)
Air intake: 840 l/h
L 233 x W 233 x H 555mm
Cone base diameter (mm): 200
Tank Volume Rating:
250 Gallon
Estimated price point:
CSC-350 (formally SK251)
Technical Data:
2 X SICCE PSK1200 (110V/60Hz)
Air intake: 1680 l/h
L 291 x W 291 x H 560mm
Cone base diameter (mm): 250
Tank Volume rating:
350 Gallon
Estmiated price point:
Prices subject to changed depending on:
Shipping rate
USD rate
SGD rate
Tank Volume rating is based on average stocking density.
We anticipate a product launch date of week 1 September.
Upgrade option for original Skimz skimmers will be offered at a very low price for those wishing to have a Sicce operated skimmer.
Last edited by Aqua-Digital; 06-07-2012 at 03:33 PM.