Originally Posted by gregzz4
Chris and Anthony have made suggestions to stay away from a six line wrasse, but without real reasons why, besides the mandarin issue ...
So, why ?
Why not? buy the damn fish if you want it. I have one and he's a great fish. You realize this thread will only come to the conclusion that there is no 100% consensus on any one fish or the stocking of various fish together. Any advise you get will most likely be "that persons" own personal experience, which could be the exact opposite for the next. You obviously have read to the end of the internet regarding fish, come to the conclusion there is no guarantee of success and now think the magic combination will appear here.....WELL IT WON'T Buy fish you like, put them in the tank, if you find they are a problem get rid of it. Here are some examples of the fish in my tank that may or may not against the norm, depends where you read and that some people might advise against
I have two Fire fish... they are just fine, there is a dominant so what.
I have 5 Chromis and have had for a long time there have been no fights till the death with one survivior
I have a six line and a Melanurus, the Six line stays "in line"
Bottom line, buy what you want, it doesn't sound like you are going blindly into this..... Did I mention you drive me nuts and I see a great future for you as a talk show host!!