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Old 06-04-2012, 06:24 PM
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reefgirl189 reefgirl189 is offline
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Location: Bonnyville, Alberta
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Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
Well the tank is doing alright. I have added a few fish, including a male blue throat trigger (I LOVE this guy),.............................................

I also added a rose tip anenome accidentally to this tank...I bought it for my 55, but wasn't ready to put it in there as I had just made changes to the 55. Well, my clown found the nem within 2 days of it going in and I don't think I'm going to move it to the other tank, they both seem happy. I'm concerned with the coloring of the nem, its tips are pinkish, but the bottoms of its tentacles are whitish. I'm assuming good water quality and feedings will help this guy color back up?
I have a female blue throat in my 180 and miss Piggy is one of my favorite fish. Wanted a male but the only one at blue world wasn't eating

Your nem's colors are the same as mine. Rose pink tips, white base with a tint of green. Mine has been growing well for the two months I've had it and it even split once already. I don't think you have anything to be concerned about. If it wasn't happy it would move somewhere else.
Member of the 2012 180 Club
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