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Old 06-04-2012, 04:11 AM
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Default Fragalot GRVD Group Buy Part Deux

Burc has advised he has new stock and sent me some pictures and the stuff is very nice. He says the website will be updated by late Monday night but check sooner. I'll see if I can reshare the albums he sent me tonight.

So same as last time, see previous thread here at the end of this message, I will post a public spreadsheet were we can keep track of our orders. This time for your orders I want you to include any credits you may have.

Our Alberta friends are doing a group buy this week so we need to get started asap if we want a share of the new pieces too.

1 - When is cutoff and when is ship date, let's discuss.

2. - Seahorse_Fanatic are you willing to receive again?

3. - Any suggestions to improve this process?

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