Thread: 55g reef build
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Old 06-03-2012, 01:21 PM
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kdpuffer kdpuffer is offline
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I am not getting a tang I got the fox face instead. I don't have a sump but once I get my 75 my 55 will be my sump. I am sticking with a 75 and no larger, I have had the bug hit and got over whelmed having eight tanks (freshwater) going so I decided to move them all out and just have once awesome tank which is my reef. I have more rock kicking around that I think I can squeeze in but I don't want to do it unless I need to. I will be monitoring params closely for the next few weeks for sure to see how the system handles the added bio load. If things stabilize for me without adding rock then awesome.
Fishy Fishy Fishy Fish, wherever did you go?
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