Originally Posted by gregzz4
Mike, if you'd like to drink the water from your new setup, plumb a T of some kind before the DI as it's a no-no to drink water that pure 
No worries, I like it right out of the tap.
Originally Posted by mike31154
The restrictor may be part of a fitting on your membrane housing or built into a flush/check valve. If it was sold to you as a complete working unit, it should already have one somewhere that matches the 100gpd membrane.
I will have a better look, took it out of the box and made sure all the hoses were there. Even came with full canisters, must have added a few pounds to the shipping weight. LOL
Originally Posted by Megalodon
My TDS was 8ppm and nearly killed my tank with copper a number of years ago. Apparently with such a low TDS it "scavenges" more copper from the pipes than higher TDS water does. I tested my tapwater with a copper test kit and was amazed. Killed a number of inverts. I've been using RO/DI ever since. And still, even with such a low TDS, the first sediment filter gets dirty and the carbon is used up on chlorine. The RO and DI lasts me a long time though. Another thing to consider is you don't know what comprises of that 26ppm. You only know it's dissolved solids that are safe for human consumption, but that's about it. So to answer your question, better be safe than sorry, use RO/DI.
I am starting to come to that conclusion, bought the dam thing, might as well use it.