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Old 06-01-2012, 08:40 PM
SkunkClown SkunkClown is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Calgary
Posts: 23
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I have a flame, halfblack and bicolor in a 200g. They all get along pretty well and have lots of space. I have zooanthids, mushrooms and Lps and after about 6 months I have yet to see them nip at the corals. The halfblack nipped the clams to death however Im pretty sure clam mantle mucus is like crack to dwarf angels!

Anyway I agree a bicolor is too large for a 30g. Like everyone is saying your always taking a chance with any dwarf angel in a reef. You can try a flame just make sure to keep it well fed. Give it nori seaweed tied to a piece of live rock to munch on instead of your corals. And definately the smaller the better. What about the cherub angel that some people have mentioned?
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