Originally Posted by Aquattro
You could get a different pump that's quiet...
I have one (another Eheim Compact 2000). . . I just don't want to redo all of the plumbing in the return section of the sump twice in a few weeks.
The new display is off being drilled, so I'll be starting to install the plumbing for that this weekend. The new pump for the chiller will be running the chiller and the two fluid reactors. It is nice and quiet, and it will run 24/7.

It may even become the return for the NC12 that will become a secondary fuge on this system, too.
Originally Posted by ultreef
I don't personally use a chiller, but wouldnt you want to have the apex have top level control? meaning if the apex say ON, then your chiller is on. So maybe change your "temp on the chiller" to 78deg. This way, whenever apex says temp is above 78.5 then chiller would be on. But if for whatever reason the outlet is stuck on, your chiller temperature control is your backup. If temp falls below 78deg, while apex outlet is still on, your chiller will actually turn off.
Yes and no. The temp on the chiller is set to 78 deg, but it allows the temperature to climb to 79 before it starts chilling (it brings it down to 78). I would have to set it to 77 to start chilling at 78. I want the chiller to have a bit of time to run before it is expected to start cooling the water.
Originally Posted by ultreef
You can always put in a "If Time" to turn it on once a day. Depending on how stable you want to keep your temperature, you can narrow down the temperature range. And with the use of Defer, your chiller and heater won't be going crazy.
Good idea.