54 reef
54 gallon
corner overflow
20 gallon sump/refugium (1/3 sump; 2/3 fuge) harvest caul. every 3-4wks
2x27w cf and 2x13w cf over fuge
RIO HF14 for return pump
55lbs Jakarta LR and 20lbs Fiji
fine grade crushed coral mixed with large coral chunks and shells both caribsea
lighting for main tank is 3x3' actinic NO with 2x96w mogul base screw in compacts. The mogul bases are going to be converted into halides. i did all the lighting myself as an electrician (i get great prices on ballasts and parts).
Fish: Onespot Foxface, 2 TR perc., Sixline wrasse, lawnmower blenny
Sandsifting starfish, 40 bluelegged hermits, 2 peppermint shrimp, coralbanded shrimp, 15 turbo snails
Corals: bright pink zoo's, frogspawn, colt coral, pulsing xenia, toadstool, starpolyps, favites sp., yellow tunicates, a green zoo growing from my LR, two small hard corals growing on my LR, purple mushrooms, green turqoise mushrooms, candycane coral that is coming back (receded off its skeleton to where I thought it was a sure gonner). {I lost a brown doughnut and a fungia that was already pretty dead when I got it}
All the corals started from frags and have been growin pretty well.
Sorry, no pics at the moment.
Been running for 3 months.
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate- undetectable
Phosphate- undetectable
Ph - 8.3
Calc - 450
kH - 16 Gdh
Still have some green hair/thread algae that nothing will eat, and a bit of brown tuft algae on 2 rocks that nothing will touch. Don't run a skimmer at the moment. Do more water changes- 15% every week after 6 weeks of running. Add Aragamilk and Seachem Iod. Also add Seachem Reef Plus and DT's (though less than the recommended dose cause I don't have a lot that needs it)