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Old 03-28-2004, 02:02 AM
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Chad Chad is offline
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Surrey
Posts: 1,031
Chad is on a distinguished road

I just got this this morning..

Attention !!! We have evidence of an incoming fleet around that time.
12 Destroyer
going to attack Gamma Miaplacidus 1!
We suppose its the Fleet of klonga.

I actualy started laughing out loud. The guy is attacking a planet I just colonized so I have no SB. He is level 1 or something. But since it is not going to get to my planet till the 29th I figured I would just let my PP go into the factory. I already have over 20 destroyers at the planet and decided to send a small armada over to it as well, some 26 colony ships along with 65 destroyers.. I figured an hour before he arrives I will plop up my SB then say hi by sending my own personal fleet.. some 200 destroyers to pay him or her a visit. should be fun..

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