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Old 05-28-2012, 02:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Enigma View Post
You'll have to do the math to decide at this point. If you want a VDM at some point in time, it might be a couple of bucks cheaper for you to get the Apex: unless you're planning on using the AI Sols, as you'll need the actual VDM module for those and you can get the Lite.

At least three of the forum sponsors have very good pricing on them: Red Coral (I just got their last one), J&L (only has the full Apex in stock last time I checked), and Go Reef (don't remember what their stock is like). I've found that the pH probes are an extra cost for either the Lite or the Apex. The standard pH probe was originally included in the Apex packages, but it looks like that has changed. So, if you want the pH probe you're paying for it either way.

If you want to run two pH probes right off the bat, the Apex can do that without an additional module. So, if you want VDM and a second pH probe, go with the Apex as then you will save money (unless you still need to purchase the VDM module for AI Sols . . . then you'll break even or save a couple of bucks).

You'll have lots of options for expandability and few (if any) limitations with either unit, so even if you just base your purchase on what is in stock and readily available you can't really go wrong (though you may pay a bit more in the end).
Thanks for this. Very helpful I had no idea they dropped the ph probe on the full blown Alex. The company website still lists the old package.
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