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Old 05-27-2012, 03:53 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 6,186
reefwars will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by Madreefer View Post

Pretty much no need to come to this site anymore. Sites turned in to a useless blogging site. Thought this site was about fish, corals etc. Not how you cant find a job, your baby, zombies and all that garbage. Save that crap for Facebook. Moderators have allowed it to become a joke with some people. Don't know why newbies figure that they feel the need to respond to every post even though they're not even sure they know the answer. It's kept me away. None of this nonsense on Reefcentral.

Ouch dude this is a social website about reefing and marine what kind of expectations were you expecting its a site for all ages. a more serious approach where you don't have to read posts would prob be a book....never too late for books

I've made friends, learned a lot, got great deals and have helped many others......I fuss all that is not what the sites about eh , personally this site is ran a lot better then others....I noo don't post on RC....rarely anyways....canreef is very friendly and even Though we have fun( God forbid) we teach and learn.

If this site was as bad as you say has I been running so long,
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