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Old 05-26-2012, 01:18 PM
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reefgirl189 reefgirl189 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Bonnyville, Alberta
Posts: 601
reefgirl189 is on a distinguished road

I have a rant.

Sometimes I like to look at the local classified section. Okay... all the time actually. I'm currently shopping for some 'almost new' appliances for my new house. This has brought me to the topic of this post:

What is up with people and having a crazy idea of what their stuff is worth? I can buy a brand new in box stainless steel frigidaire fridge from Trail appliances for $650 today. What the F are you smoking thinking that you are going to list your 7 year old scratch and dented white GE garage fridge and ask $600 FIRM? Seriously? And who is going to want to buy a 12 year old dishwasher with a broken door latch for $200? Are you crazy?!?! Throw that hunk in the garbage already! I guess it doesn't hurt to try but seriously people... get real. Canadian tire down the street sells brand new Amana fridges for $550. And they aren't dented or scratched or 7 years old. Plus they come with warranty. You can *maybe* try to charge $300 for that used fridge - at best.

Which brings me to the best part. Three times this year this one person has posted an ad asking someone "by the grace of God" to donate their house or land to a "family in need". A HOUSE OR LAND? DONATE? I get it, hard times, blah blah blah, but this is Cold Lake, AB. You could trip walking down the street and fall into a decent job with great pay. Why would you expect someone to give you a house or land (worth at minimum around $80,000 for land or $180,000 for a piece of crap house) around here? Be realistic. If you're truly that hard up place an add asking for a rent to own situation. And don't throw a religious vice in there like "by the grace of God" - That's low. There's some very religious people around here and and that's not fair of you to try to play that card. I just can't believe the audacity of some people.
Member of the 2012 180 Club
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