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Old 05-26-2012, 07:14 AM
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gregzz4 gregzz4 is offline
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Been waitin' for a slow spot to add this ....

Stupid skimmer
I woke up today to a cup filled with basically water
ATO filled up the missing water, then the chaeto tank tried to run too high ... good thing I had no plans

Only thing I did yesterday was put ... my ... hand ... in the tank .... argh
I changed the position of my vortechs ....

Took me awhile today to realise the issue
Whether or not that's the cause, it's still puking foam again, and I'm letting it do so, but it was so bad it was running over

At least now, since about dinner, it's just foaming a lot but not filling the cup

Kinda makes me wonder if the new CUC is releasing stuff from the rocks, such as epoxy residue, which is peeing off the skimmer
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