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Old 03-27-2004, 01:07 AM
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Default Critter/Invert Acrylic Holder

Fin-Omenal Fish (the LFS near my house) was looking for a invert holder that could be hung on the side of the tank, and since I mentioned I've started some acrylic projects, they asked if I could make them one.

I was just going to make a real basic one, but since I had a little time, I went a little... overboard

Instead of putting holes for the waterflow, I went with the design from my tank cover, and put small waves on the front, 2 sides, and the 3 inside walls. The wave slots are 1/16". The 2 hangers are also adjustable in height by 2".

This is a shot without the insides. I made them removable incase they ended up getting a bigger invert, or more of one type, and wanted to keep them in a bigger holding area.

And yes, the color is different for the middle wall. I ran out of acrylic, so I used some leftover polycarbonate.

Bigger Pictures Here

Obviously a picture of it in the tank would help. I'll take one next week.
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