on the topic of guns.....
while in vancouver over the weekend, I went to a gun show (actual fire arms show, not the gym lol) with my dad and he found a piece he's been wanting for years but couldn't afford or find for that matter... while he hummed and hawed knowing he'd be broke forever if he bought it, i told him to think about it... he walked away I went the other way, grabbed the guy that owned it, had him hide it just to be a jerk... went and got into a car with a complete stranger (was working the admission table and was with the association, so i figured i'd take the chance, asked him what he drove and he said a Jeep liberty and I said okay good so you're not going to kill me... he laughed) he drove me 5 min to the nearest ATM and back. I then ran back to the table and paid the guy for 75% of the gun... and he told me that my dad had just been back to the table to buy it and he told him it was sold... said it looked like my dad's heart broke. I went and found my dad (busy joint.. took a few min) put my hands on his shoulders and he said "it sold, I knew i should have just bought it" and I could tell he was really upset so I smiled and said "daddy go pick up your gun" and he just looked at me with utter confussion... I said "75% off isn't so bad is it, happy early fathers day"... his jaw dropped... we walked back over to the table, the guy pulled out the gun with a brand knew trigger lock on it, and said "on behalf of your daughter, happy early father's day"..... I don't think I have ever seen my dad so shocked and confused at the same time... except maybe when I told him I was gay! lol! Like a kid in a candy store he walked around so proud! It was great! it's not often that I get to do things like this, and I may have pushed the pocket book a little (but I still managed to go bug Jim and OA and pick up a few nice corals after)
He went home, and got online right away... turns out that because all the serial numbers match and it was in amazing condition... we paid 1/6th of what it sells for in the US and 1/10 of what it actually can go for in canada!
That was the highlight of my vacation home.... I just wanted to share my story!!! it was nice to get him something other then a princess auto gift card for once in 5 years!!!
Flash - Free Agent
Fb- edmonton fish coral and hardware buy and sell!