Originally Posted by tang daddy
Yah FYI to the poster, some clowns will host while others don't... All up to the fish, which most are captive bred these days. I have a black perc that hosted a Rbta when it was in the breeder container with the anemone, after the Rbta was sold it hosted a fungia plate and now doesn't host anything. Your corals are like a piece of furniture for the clown, sometimes they don't want to sit or sleep and rather free float as per say....
As most have said it isn't a good idea to put a bta in a small tank because if it moves then bye bye to the rest of your corals, on a side note if you do still decide to get one, go with a green bubble tip as they require less light, the Rbta needs metal halide or equivalent.
RBTA does not require halides. Not sure where you learned that, but it's the first time I've heard it said.
Mine is under t5. Has always Been. Spilt last year. Noemi have two. It even bubbles up here and there. And it's huge now.
No different than a green. In fact, I've had better luck with my RBTA over the green.